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2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

2025-01-20 13:52:50

近日,2025年AAAI Fellow名单出炉,每年AAAI通过其Fellow计划表彰一批在人工智能领域做出重大、持续贡献的个人。通常情况下,只有在该领域贡献十年或更长时间的会员才有机会被选为Fellow。


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

陈一昕,计算机科学家。陈一昕博士现为美国华盛顿大学正教授,终身教授。研究领域为数据挖掘, 机器学习,优化算法 , 人工智能,云计算等。在AIJ,JAIR,TKDE,TKDD,TIST,TPDS等国际一流期刊和VLDB, AAAI, KDD, IJCAI, ICML, RTSS等国际顶级会议和上发表论文90余篇。任数据挖掘和人工智能领域的顶级期刊JAIR, TKDE, TIST的编委,和 KDD, AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, SDM等一流国际会议的程序委员会委员。为美国国家科学基金委,香港研究基金委,奥地利国家科学基金委,瑞士国家科学基金委的评审委员。

2022年11月,入选IEEE Fellow。

2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

付昀(Yun Raymond Fu)既是人工智能专家,又是成功的连续创业者。目前,他是东北大学的杰出教授。他在计算机视觉、增强现实、人机交互等前沿领域做出了开创性贡献,发表了 500 多篇科研论文,拥有 40 多项专利。

他曾四度创业,将先进的 AI 技术应用于化妆品电商、电视广告分析等行业。他领导的初创公司 Giaran 被日本化妆品巨头资生堂收购,获得 5800 万美元风投。他还获得了众多重要奖项,如 IEEE、ACM、IAPR 等会议的 12 项最佳论文奖,以及谷歌、亚马逊、三星、Adobe 等知名企业评选的行业大奖。此外,他已入选 IEEE、AAAI、OSA 等学会的 Fellow。

2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!


熊辉教授一直致力于数据挖掘、大数据分析、商务智能、互联网证券和信息安全等领域的科学研究。因在大数据/数据挖掘领域的突出成就和影响力,熊辉教授在2014年当选ACM杰出科学家 , 在2020年当选IEEE Fellow 与 AAAS Fellow。


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

Ming-Hsuan Yang,美国加州大学默塞德分校电气工程和计算器科学系教授、Google的研究科学家。2000年在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳—香槟分校获得计算机科学博士学位。


曾任IEEE计算机视觉和模式识别会议 (CVPR),IEEE计算机视觉国际会议 (ICCV),欧洲计算机会议视觉 (ECCV),亚洲计算机会议,AAAI全国人工智能会议和IEEE国际自动面部和手势识别会议的主席。他是2019年IEEE计算机视觉国际会议与2014年亚洲计算机视觉会议的程序委员会共同主席,以及2016年亚洲计算机视觉会议的大会共同主席。也是著名IEEE 模式分析与机器智能期刊 T-PAMI(2007-2011),计算机视觉国际杂志 (IJCV), 计算机视觉与图像理解 (CVIU),图像和视觉计算,人工智能研究杂志的副主编。


Elected in 2025

Maria-Florina (Nina) Balcan Carnegie Mellon University
For significant contributions to the foundations of machine learning and its applications to multiagent systems and modern algorithm design.

Mohit Bansal University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
For significant contributions to multimodal AI foundations as well as faithful language generation and summarization.

J. Christopher Beck University of Toronto
For significant contributions to planning and scheduling, constraint programming, and the integration of operations research and AI for combinatorial optimization.

Emma Brunskill Stanford University
For significant contributions to the field of reinforcement learning, and applications for societal benefit, in particular AI for education.

Yixin Chen Washington University
For significant contributions to machine learning, pioneering widely used architectures and algorithms for graph neural networks and lightweight deep neural networks.

Ernest Davis New York University
For significant contributions to automated commonsense reasoning, particularly spatial and physical reasoning, and for writings explaining AI to a general audience.

Emilio Ferrara University of Southern California
For pioneering contributions to computational social science and the study of online information diffusion and manipulation.

Yun Raymond Fu Northeastern University
For significant contributions to transformative technology innovation in computer vision, augmented human-machine interaction, and leadership in AI technology commercialization.

Gal Kaminka Bar Ilan University
For significant contributions to plan- and goal- recognition, to collaborative multi-robot systems, and to multi-agent systems exhibiting social intelligence.

Kate Larson University of Waterloo
For significant contributions to the foundations of multiagent systems, and for service to the broader AI community.

Karen Myers SRI International
For significant contributions to the field of AI planning, including the development and application of human-centered planning technologies.

Sriraam Natarajan University of Texas at Dallas
For significant contributions to statistical relational AI, healthcare adaptations and service to AAAI community.

Roberto Navigli Sapienza University of Rome
For significant contributions to multilingual Natural Language Understanding, and development of widely recognized methods for knowledge resource construction, text disambiguation, and semantic parsing.

Balaraman Ravindran Indian Institute of Technology Madras
For significant contributions to reinforcement learning foundations and applications.

Hui Xiong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
For significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and mobile computing, and development of the widely used Informer algorithm.

Ming-Hsuan Yang University of California at Merced, Google DeepMind
For significant contributions to visual tracking, low-level vision, visual tracking, and visual learning with widely used benchmark datasets and source code.


来源:aaai官网、时代学者 ,爱科会易仅用于学术交流。

近日,2025年AAAI Fellow名单出炉,每年AAAI通过其Fellow计划表彰一批在人工智能领域做出重大、持续贡献的个人。通常情况下,只有在该领域贡献十年或更长时间的会员才有机会被选为Fellow。


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

陈一昕,计算机科学家。陈一昕博士现为美国华盛顿大学正教授,终身教授。研究领域为数据挖掘, 机器学习,优化算法 , 人工智能,云计算等。在AIJ,JAIR,TKDE,TKDD,TIST,TPDS等国际一流期刊和VLDB, AAAI, KDD, IJCAI, ICML, RTSS等国际顶级会议和上发表论文90余篇。任数据挖掘和人工智能领域的顶级期刊JAIR, TKDE, TIST的编委,和 KDD, AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, SDM等一流国际会议的程序委员会委员。为美国国家科学基金委,香港研究基金委,奥地利国家科学基金委,瑞士国家科学基金委的评审委员。

2022年11月,入选IEEE Fellow。

2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

付昀(Yun Raymond Fu)既是人工智能专家,又是成功的连续创业者。目前,他是东北大学的杰出教授。他在计算机视觉、增强现实、人机交互等前沿领域做出了开创性贡献,发表了 500 多篇科研论文,拥有 40 多项专利。

他曾四度创业,将先进的 AI 技术应用于化妆品电商、电视广告分析等行业。他领导的初创公司 Giaran 被日本化妆品巨头资生堂收购,获得 5800 万美元风投。他还获得了众多重要奖项,如 IEEE、ACM、IAPR 等会议的 12 项最佳论文奖,以及谷歌、亚马逊、三星、Adobe 等知名企业评选的行业大奖。此外,他已入选 IEEE、AAAI、OSA 等学会的 Fellow。

2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!


熊辉教授一直致力于数据挖掘、大数据分析、商务智能、互联网证券和信息安全等领域的科学研究。因在大数据/数据挖掘领域的突出成就和影响力,熊辉教授在2014年当选ACM杰出科学家 , 在2020年当选IEEE Fellow 与 AAAS Fellow。


2025年AAAI Fellow名单揭晓:4位华人学者当选!

Ming-Hsuan Yang,美国加州大学默塞德分校电气工程和计算器科学系教授、Google的研究科学家。2000年在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳—香槟分校获得计算机科学博士学位。


曾任IEEE计算机视觉和模式识别会议 (CVPR),IEEE计算机视觉国际会议 (ICCV),欧洲计算机会议视觉 (ECCV),亚洲计算机会议,AAAI全国人工智能会议和IEEE国际自动面部和手势识别会议的主席。他是2019年IEEE计算机视觉国际会议与2014年亚洲计算机视觉会议的程序委员会共同主席,以及2016年亚洲计算机视觉会议的大会共同主席。也是著名IEEE 模式分析与机器智能期刊 T-PAMI(2007-2011),计算机视觉国际杂志 (IJCV), 计算机视觉与图像理解 (CVIU),图像和视觉计算,人工智能研究杂志的副主编。


Elected in 2025

Maria-Florina (Nina) Balcan Carnegie Mellon University
For significant contributions to the foundations of machine learning and its applications to multiagent systems and modern algorithm design.

Mohit Bansal University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
For significant contributions to multimodal AI foundations as well as faithful language generation and summarization.

J. Christopher Beck University of Toronto
For significant contributions to planning and scheduling, constraint programming, and the integration of operations research and AI for combinatorial optimization.

Emma Brunskill Stanford University
For significant contributions to the field of reinforcement learning, and applications for societal benefit, in particular AI for education.

Yixin Chen Washington University
For significant contributions to machine learning, pioneering widely used architectures and algorithms for graph neural networks and lightweight deep neural networks.

Ernest Davis New York University
For significant contributions to automated commonsense reasoning, particularly spatial and physical reasoning, and for writings explaining AI to a general audience.

Emilio Ferrara University of Southern California
For pioneering contributions to computational social science and the study of online information diffusion and manipulation.

Yun Raymond Fu Northeastern University
For significant contributions to transformative technology innovation in computer vision, augmented human-machine interaction, and leadership in AI technology commercialization.

Gal Kaminka Bar Ilan University
For significant contributions to plan- and goal- recognition, to collaborative multi-robot systems, and to multi-agent systems exhibiting social intelligence.

Kate Larson University of Waterloo
For significant contributions to the foundations of multiagent systems, and for service to the broader AI community.

Karen Myers SRI International
For significant contributions to the field of AI planning, including the development and application of human-centered planning technologies.

Sriraam Natarajan University of Texas at Dallas
For significant contributions to statistical relational AI, healthcare adaptations and service to AAAI community.

Roberto Navigli Sapienza University of Rome
For significant contributions to multilingual Natural Language Understanding, and development of widely recognized methods for knowledge resource construction, text disambiguation, and semantic parsing.

Balaraman Ravindran Indian Institute of Technology Madras
For significant contributions to reinforcement learning foundations and applications.

Hui Xiong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
For significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and mobile computing, and development of the widely used Informer algorithm.

Ming-Hsuan Yang University of California at Merced, Google DeepMind
For significant contributions to visual tracking, low-level vision, visual tracking, and visual learning with widely used benchmark datasets and source code.


来源:aaai官网、时代学者 ,爱科会易仅用于学术交流。