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2025年IEEE集成电路技术与应用国际会议 (ICTA 2025)

  • 自动化科学
  • 机械工程
  • 工程
  • 系统工程
  • 电力与电气

2025.10.22 - 2025.10.24

中国 澳门






MTT-S Nanjing



EDS Beijing Chapter

SSCS Guangzhou Chapter






- General Co-Chairs -

Pui-In Mak, 澳门大学,中国

Sai-Weng Sin, 澳门大学,中国

- TPC Co-Chairs -

Bo Zhao, 浙江大学,中国

Yan Lu, 清华大学,中国

- 指导委员会委员 -

Lin Cheng (Chair), 中国科学技术大学,中国

Xiaoyan Gui, 西安交通大学,中国

Zhiyi Yu , 中山大学,中国

Dixian Zhao, 东南大学,中国

Liyuan Liu, IS-CAS, 中国

Fujiang Lin, 中国科学技术大学,中国

Zhihua Wang, 清华大学,中国

Nanjian Wu, IS-CAS, 中国

- 国际顾问 -

Jan Van der Spiegel, IEEE SSCS, 美国

Ke Wu, IEEE MTT-S, 加拿大

Yong Lian, IEEE CASS, 美国

Geok Ing Ng, IEEE EDS, 新加坡

Giovanni Demicheli, 洛桑联邦理工学院,瑞士

Yann Deval, 波尔多大学,法国

R. Bogdan Staszewski, 都柏林大学,爱尔兰

Boon S. Ooi, 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学, 沙特阿拉伯

Hoi-Jun Yoo, KAIST, 韩国

Makoto Ikeda, 东京大学,日本

- Local Arrangement Chair -

Chi-Hang Chan, 澳门大学,中国

- Tutorial Chair -

Yang Jiang, 澳门大学,中国

- Keynote Speakers Chair -

Mo Huang, 澳门大学,中国

- Publication Chair -

Haijun Shao, 澳门大学,中国

- Sponsorship/Exhibition Chair -

Mingqiang Guo, 澳门大学,中国

- Awards Committee Chair -

Zheng Wang, 电子科技大学,中国

- Website Chair -

Ying Zhang, BJAST, 中国

- Booklet Chair -

Rongfang Zhang, BIE, 中国

- Finance Chair -

Tianye Jin, BIE, 中国

- 大会秘书处 -

Fanfang Zeng, BIE, 中国

Qing Wu, BIE, 中国


1. RF Circuits and Wireless Systems: Si-based RFIC building-block circuit, compound-semiconductor-based MMIC building-block circuit, LNA, PA, VCO, PLL, phase shifter, mixer, RF switch, balun, driver amplifier, transceiver, etc.

2. Analog and Mixed-Signal ICs:  analog circuits including amplifiers, comparators, oscillators, filters, references, nonlinear analog circuits and digitally-assisted analog circuits; data converters including Nyquist-rate and oversampling ADC and DAC, etc.

3. Power Management ICs: Power management and control circuits; switched-mode power converter ICs using inductive, capacitive, and hybrid techniques; linear regulators; gate drivers; topologies for wide-bandgap devices; power and signal isolators; LED drivers, wireless power, and envelope supply modulators; energy harvesting circuits and systems.

4. Digital ICs and Memory: SoC, processor, FPGA, AI and deep-learning processor, DSP, NoC, memory, etc.

5. Wireline ICs: high-speed data link, optical transceiver, OEIC, SerDes, TIA, CDRs, equalizer, modulator, etc.

6. Sensor ICs: MEMS sensors, image sensors, physical sensors, chemical sensors, bio-sensors, smart and intelligent sensors, sensor interface, sensor technology and applications, etc.

7. Modeling, EDA and Testing: compact models and extraction techniques (silicon based), SPICE models and extraction techniques (non-silicon), modeling technique of GaN, SiC, ASM-HEMT, 2D-material-based devices, quantum devices, test structures design and model parameter extraction, RF calibration and reliable data acquisition, EDA, EM/TCAD simulation, co-simulation and verification technique, PDK validation, etc.

8. Device and Process Technologies: CMOS, FinFET, FD-SOI, BCD, SiGe, III-V, HEMT, HBT, 3rd generation materials, GaN, power electronics, SiC, GaO, junctionless device, negative capacitance device, MEMS, device characterization,

device FAR, 3D integration, Chiplet, flash, OPT, MPT, SRAM, DRAM, 3D NAND, MRAM, RRAM, PCRAM, FeRAM, crossbar, DRAM+MCU, etc.  

9. Packaging and Hybrid Integration: Chiplet, active antenna, EM field, filters, Hybrid MIC, MCM, SiP, SoP, TSV, flip chip assembly, wire bonding, anisotropic conductive film, interconnection technologies, multi-physics and multiscale EM computation/simulation, 3D integration, etc.

10. Emerging Semiconductor Materials and Devices: heterogeneous integration, III-V compounds, silicon photonics, optoelectronic device, 2D materials, green and implantable materials, neuromorphic device, device characterization, etc.

11. System and Applications: IC based module and system integration, automotive electronics, automotive radar, 5G systems, AI systems, IoTs, healthcare and biomedical systems, etc.

12. Intelligent Robots: robot kinematics/dynamics/control, system integration, AI in robotics, sensor/actuator, bio-inspired systems, robot perception, human robot interaction, and robot vision, etc.


会议秘书:Haikie Liao





MTT-S Nanjing



EDS Beijing Chapter

SSCS Guangzhou Chapter






- General Co-Chairs -

Pui-In Mak, 澳门大学,中国

Sai-Weng Sin, 澳门大学,中国

- TPC Co-Chairs -

Bo Zhao, 浙江大学,中国

Yan Lu, 清华大学,中国

- 指导委员会委员 -

Lin Cheng (Chair), 中国科学技术大学,中国

Xiaoyan Gui, 西安交通大学,中国

Zhiyi Yu , 中山大学,中国

Dixian Zhao, 东南大学,中国

Liyuan Liu, IS-CAS, 中国

Fujiang Lin, 中国科学技术大学,中国

Zhihua Wang, 清华大学,中国

Nanjian Wu, IS-CAS, 中国

- 国际顾问 -

Jan Van der Spiegel, IEEE SSCS, 美国

Ke Wu, IEEE MTT-S, 加拿大

Yong Lian, IEEE CASS, 美国

Geok Ing Ng, IEEE EDS, 新加坡

Giovanni Demicheli, 洛桑联邦理工学院,瑞士

Yann Deval, 波尔多大学,法国

R. Bogdan Staszewski, 都柏林大学,爱尔兰

Boon S. Ooi, 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学, 沙特阿拉伯

Hoi-Jun Yoo, KAIST, 韩国

Makoto Ikeda, 东京大学,日本

- Local Arrangement Chair -

Chi-Hang Chan, 澳门大学,中国

- Tutorial Chair -

Yang Jiang, 澳门大学,中国

- Keynote Speakers Chair -

Mo Huang, 澳门大学,中国

- Publication Chair -

Haijun Shao, 澳门大学,中国

- Sponsorship/Exhibition Chair -

Mingqiang Guo, 澳门大学,中国

- Awards Committee Chair -

Zheng Wang, 电子科技大学,中国

- Website Chair -

Ying Zhang, BJAST, 中国

- Booklet Chair -

Rongfang Zhang, BIE, 中国

- Finance Chair -

Tianye Jin, BIE, 中国

- 大会秘书处 -

Fanfang Zeng, BIE, 中国

Qing Wu, BIE, 中国


1. RF Circuits and Wireless Systems: Si-based RFIC building-block circuit, compound-semiconductor-based MMIC building-block circuit, LNA, PA, VCO, PLL, phase shifter, mixer, RF switch, balun, driver amplifier, transceiver, etc.

2. Analog and Mixed-Signal ICs:  analog circuits including amplifiers, comparators, oscillators, filters, references, nonlinear analog circuits and digitally-assisted analog circuits; data converters including Nyquist-rate and oversampling ADC and DAC, etc.

3. Power Management ICs: Power management and control circuits; switched-mode power converter ICs using inductive, capacitive, and hybrid techniques; linear regulators; gate drivers; topologies for wide-bandgap devices; power and signal isolators; LED drivers, wireless power, and envelope supply modulators; energy harvesting circuits and systems.

4. Digital ICs and Memory: SoC, processor, FPGA, AI and deep-learning processor, DSP, NoC, memory, etc.

5. Wireline ICs: high-speed data link, optical transceiver, OEIC, SerDes, TIA, CDRs, equalizer, modulator, etc.

6. Sensor ICs: MEMS sensors, image sensors, physical sensors, chemical sensors, bio-sensors, smart and intelligent sensors, sensor interface, sensor technology and applications, etc.

7. Modeling, EDA and Testing: compact models and extraction techniques (silicon based), SPICE models and extraction techniques (non-silicon), modeling technique of GaN, SiC, ASM-HEMT, 2D-material-based devices, quantum devices, test structures design and model parameter extraction, RF calibration and reliable data acquisition, EDA, EM/TCAD simulation, co-simulation and verification technique, PDK validation, etc.

8. Device and Process Technologies: CMOS, FinFET, FD-SOI, BCD, SiGe, III-V, HEMT, HBT, 3rd generation materials, GaN, power electronics, SiC, GaO, junctionless device, negative capacitance device, MEMS, device characterization,

device FAR, 3D integration, Chiplet, flash, OPT, MPT, SRAM, DRAM, 3D NAND, MRAM, RRAM, PCRAM, FeRAM, crossbar, DRAM+MCU, etc.  

9. Packaging and Hybrid Integration: Chiplet, active antenna, EM field, filters, Hybrid MIC, MCM, SiP, SoP, TSV, flip chip assembly, wire bonding, anisotropic conductive film, interconnection technologies, multi-physics and multiscale EM computation/simulation, 3D integration, etc.

10. Emerging Semiconductor Materials and Devices: heterogeneous integration, III-V compounds, silicon photonics, optoelectronic device, 2D materials, green and implantable materials, neuromorphic device, device characterization, etc.

11. System and Applications: IC based module and system integration, automotive electronics, automotive radar, 5G systems, AI systems, IoTs, healthcare and biomedical systems, etc.

12. Intelligent Robots: robot kinematics/dynamics/control, system integration, AI in robotics, sensor/actuator, bio-inspired systems, robot perception, human robot interaction, and robot vision, etc.


会议秘书:Haikie Liao


浏览量 529
收藏会议 0